There will always be voices of dissent, criticism, and small mindedness. They often seem louder, and pertinent. This is in part due to the ennobling factor in good people to focus on what is wrong and potentially make it better. Sometimes, good people take it a step too far; they gave too much credence to such criticism, so much so that it cripples them. Yet if you listen closely, the boos and jeers may be loud, but the quiet support and approval of many will overtime overcome. Therefore stay the course, weather the storm, and make compassion your guide. Realize that what you do matters if someone at least has taken the time to criticise. Figure out the parts that are valid, that is true, that gave the critics grounds to criticize. Improve on it, discard the needless emotional content and move on. No need to be drawn in by their misery, no need to be pull down to their level. The beauty of flight is there is always gravity to overcome, still we soar, still we reach for the stars.
The flower grows, not only because the sun draws its adulation, but because it too rakes sustenance from crap heaped upon it. A car moves because of friction allowing the tires to gain traction. So will progress occur, not in a vacuum unchallenged, but through the refinement of constant bombardment, like pebbles carved smooth by running water, pearls from irritation, silver polished by fire.
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