Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thank you

It dawned on me that it has been over 10 years since I left home and be on my own.  Ironically, it is perhaps the longest I have been anywhere.  I have been most blessed that along the way I have garnered the love of many. People who have opened their hearts and their homes to me so that I may never feel the full blunt of homesickness.  To my friends at William and Mary, those within the field of Audiology, my various church families, and friends that go way back, THANK YOU.  To my parents, Godparents, American parent thank you... without your upbringing, your influence I would not have been as "lovable".  I wouldn't have won the admiration of so many others. I can laugh readily, I can forget hurt easily because there is a flame within me that refuses to be dimmed.  A flame started by my parents, fuel by true companionship, oxidized by  friendship and heated by many shared moments.  Thank you.

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