Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays

A few days ago we celebrated Winter Solstice, signifying the arrival of winter and longest of nights. Winter has somewhat of a dreadful connotation doesn’t it? It is often linked with a certain harshness- the harsh bane of winter unforgiving in its nature. When we think of winter, we think of the waning flora, the dwindling fauna. When it is cold we cowered, we shivered, we huddled. Such negativity is so ingrained within our perception that it is by no strange coincidence that we tend to describe someone as being “cold and lonely” versus “warm and friendly”.

Yet, without the apparent crudeness of this wintry season, the contrasting warmth that it inspires would not have been as strong. Let us ponder the sensation of holding a mug filled with hot chocolate, cuddling beneath a fuzzy blanket, basking in the glow of a fire blazing in the hearth, sitting still in a steaming bath, or basking in an equally hot shower. Would all of this be as enjoyable in the oppressing heat of summer, when we are all prone to being sweaty and all? I submit that it cannot, as I hope that you too can concur. My point, more importantly, is that without the coldness of winter to act as sharp contrast, acts of human kindness may not seem as warm.

So, as we dive deeper into this Yuletide season, I urge you to take a moment to truly enjoy the cold, for without it, you may perhaps not be able to appreciate the joys and warmth of humanity as much; the presence of loved ones, of sitting together, laughing and sharing of stories, of mysterious gifts, of eggnogs and kissing under the mistletoe. For it is in the face of the cold that we recognize the warmth that glows within each of us, it is the cold that allows us to see the glow upon each other’s faces (hopefully not from frost-bite) and inspires us to smile, reach out and bring some warmth however we can to those around us.

This holiday season, wherever you may be, may it be filled with much hearty laughter, fond memories, and lovely company. May your fingers and toes be constantly warm, and may your heart be set ablaze. Cherish each and every moment, and may the cold only serves to bring those whom you hold dear closer that you may enjoy each other’s warmth.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Study High

People have often spoke of the phenomenon known as the "runner's high" whereby a runner (typically those running in a marathon) catches a second wind that propels them forward.  I have not have the fortune of experiencing such a "high" seeing as my concave chest, convex gut and flat feet precludes me from ever mustering more than a resounding "blowing wind".    I do want to, however, report on a different kind of "high" that I have come across, and that is the "studying high".  This is when you have study so much up to a point, that you have become giddy and loopy, and that sensation keeps you studying for another hour or so.  To a casual observe, this often manifests as a shit-face grin  (by the way, why do they call this expression so?  I don't believe we ever grin when we are in the midst of defecating... it must be some excretion to have warranted that expression), a fit of uncontrollable giggle, an euphoric expression (elicited by something so trivial as to render it almost idiopathic in origin) upon the an otherwise gaunt, zombie-like individual who has been at the books for a while.  Do not mistake this with the common caffeine induced high as this is more liken to highs generated by endorphin and dopamine; the mirth stems from something deeper, a glow from within.  I sincerely do hope my fellow comrades in the trenches of academia, the throes of finals will get to experience this high.