Sunday, September 25, 2011


人生在世如航海    做人定要有方針
時刻都會遇風浪    籍著信心萬里行
記住做人守本份    平安自然在你心
若能吃得苦中苦    幸福就會快來臨
閒時努力尋上進    學些技藝好傍身
出到社會來做事    禮義謙虛對人群
光明正大行正道    人人對你印象好
交朋結友應謹慎    言談外表要斯文
得人恩典千年記    得人好處莫忘恩
凡是嫖賭吹蕩飲    都是沉淪的禍根
明知前面山有虎    千萬莫向虎山行
業失足成千古恨    回頭巳是百年身
流芳百世人人敬    遺臭萬年個個憎
常常潔身來自愛    莫過任性染泥塵
留點光輝在世上    不可白白過一生
天生你來必有用    盡量發展你才能
寒窗不怕無人問    最怕做人有灰心
只要立心勤發奮    他日成功處處聞
一番真語來教訓    良言句句值千金
盼望我兒能領悟    早日平步到青雲




近黃昏, 晚將至
風已息, 落葉止
月高掛, 湖面定
冷冰冰, 夜清靜
秋菊枯, 鳥飛南
花香弱, 容顏失
相思苦, 情侶愁
人漸老, 侍君回

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Life Lessons from Hearing Aid terminology

Life is filled with highs and lows. It is therefore important to meet it with a sound mind and body. Be ready to accept feedback, and to let things roll-off your back. Be sure to understand what is noise and what is not, tune out the constant cacophony, and be focused in the direction you must take. It is alright to tell others to read your lips, that no means no, and that yes doesn't always entail you to compress or extend yourself beyond your means. Be reasonable in your expectations, be willing to adapt over time. Know your own thresholds, and find where you are most comfortable. Recognition will come, this I assure you, you have just got to find the right channels. In the meanwhile, band together with people who are on the same wavelength, and resonates your passion.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Please donate towards my cause!!!


I am writing to inquire if you ca donate towards my cause.  I am participating in the Pennsylvania Walk4Hearing on September 25th, 2011 (Sunday).   I have enclosed my personal page below detailing the reason for my participation.  Any amount you can donate towards the cause will be greatly appreciated 


Thursday, September 8, 2011

The answer is blowing in the wind

I have noticed lately that I have been holding my breath a lot, and that is not good, because the next thing I know, I am struggling to keep my farts down. It gets worst, the vain attempts to control my sphincter muscles leaves me this weird expression on my face (almost constipated, but not quite), and serves to dissuade people from talking to me. So, the moral of the story: REMEMBER TO KEEP BREATHING!!!

By the way, my experiences in this matter helps me to understand why most girls act the way they do as I am told y'all don't fart, burp or anything... boy, that must be tough.  Although, I can also see how difficult it is for some of you to even build up the necessary air pressure seeing as you don't ever seem to close your mouth long enough to do so.  

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fashion Sense

I don't understand fashion, or more importantly what is considered tasteful anymore. Shouldn't there be some sense of decency or common sense? I mean if your pockets are peeking out from your pants/ skirts, then it is too short to be worn. If you find yourself constantly adjusting your tub top, skirt, and trousers to cover something, then it is not fitting. I know there is a certain appeal to showing flesh, but the allure factor results from enticement and invocation of imagination. If one leaves no room for someone to fantasize then what is the point? Restraints, obstacles, inhibition is what heightens the senses and increase the worth of the reward. Its like unwrapping a present, untying the ribbon. Where is the surprise, the built up of excitement if the packaging does nothing to conceal the prize. We may as well be clothed in equivalent of newspaper/garbage bags/ brown paper bags.