Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Leaves dawdling in the autumn breeze, streams trickling by, here I find myself once more, alone by the riverside. Oh, how the fiery leaves blaze, a glorious prelude to harsh winter’s bane. But who will remember until the branches are bare as autumn wanes. Once was I young, with many a dream. Old have I become, my radiance but a gleam. Perhaps it must be so, in my absence shall the essence of my presence be made known.

Treading the lonely and forgotten path; passing through unrecognized. Yonder I go, dare I linger? Oh, my life but a fleeting blip, my achievements like sand on stone. I am but a shadow, who shall notice? Yea I have labored, and much have I tried to give, but what is there to give when none sees the merit. Alas, I go, in search for something that I may never gain. My youth I have squandered, but willingly I stride forward, hoping perhaps to meet the one who will understand my troubles and lighten my way.

And here I will be, the lonely wind that blows gently. You shall know that I am here whenever you see the leaves rustle, the water ripple. I will be here, caressing the tips of grass as I pass through, swirling up the dust. Perhaps, then you shall remember me. Don't try to catch hold of me for I appear without a trace and leave without a sign. I am a free spirit, coming and going as I pleased. Like sand, you shall not contain me with your fingers, like water I linger not in one place too long.

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