Thursday, July 27, 2006

On Romance

Romance is essentially a guessing game that involves a repeated and reciprocal process of testing the waters, daring to reveal a bit more of yourself each time you feel secured - until eventually you are completely comfortable with being totally vulnerable with each other. Before that critical stage, it is a series trial and error, a willingness to face the danger of being hurt or played the fool. Yet, it is not a reflection of your imperfection when love is not returned, but rather a sign that you are not complimentary to each other. Nor is it a sign of weakness to have yield yourself to another unwittingly, but a glorious triumph of our faith and hope in humanity. For no other sentine beingl risk as much as we humans do for want of a companion to behold, to share and bear witness to each other's lives

Friend's Reply:
"i think you're wrong...true romance isnt about revealing yourself in pieces or testing any waters, because both of these things suggest fear. And fear has no place in romance nor in any relationship for that matter. Fear is for those that have something to hide. For those that feel ashamed of themself. The truth is, romance is about giving someone happiness without expecting anything in return. Not about recieving love, but experiencing your own for yourself and for the other person. There is no trial and error, because there are no results that you should expect. Expectation only leads to disapointment, and completely short changes the experience which is really the important part."

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