Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Grind

Do you remember that time we sat at the Grind and just talked for hours? I don’t remember exactly what it was that we talked about, it seemed like we brushed upon every subject possible. I just recall it being a great afternoon; and I miss it. The thing is, we don’t seem to talk anymore. Oh, occasionally I would get a poke from you on facebook, or a third party would mention your name in passing; but that’s about it. It’s like the moment we left that campus, our lives have taken on totally different courses, you went your way, and I went mine. The earth maybe round and we may be walking in totally opposite directions, but our paths are destined not to crisscross ever again. I honestly don’t know how I feel about that. You see, I keep imagining that there is this parallel universe where we will meet again, and pick up where we left off. There is always that lingering question which I doubt I will get the chance to ask you, or we the opportunity to explore the answer together. 

So it is that I continue with my life, and you yours. I hope somewhere; somehow you are still curious as I remember you to be of the world around you. I hope that when the hurly burly of the day has left you be, that you may just think of me just as I you. I know I have changed quite a bit since that day, perhaps in that parallel universe, you will find an Andy who is actually bolder and wiser. Perhaps, in that universe, we will spend more afternoons watching sunsets in silence.

Monday, November 24, 2008


I developed myopia and astigmatism early in my childhood. While it is not severely debilitating at the time, it does compromise my reflexes significantly. Especially in a nation of flying hockey pucks and soaring snowballs, to have minimized dodging ability can be quite stinging at times.

Yet, being myopic also provided me with a unique perspective of the world around me. Well, to be precise, two perspectives - one with clear contours, and one that is blurry and all mushed together. So much so that my inner world has also taken on these characteristics. At times, I can perceive matter with clarity, honing onto the minute details. Other times, the world would merged into a collage and everything is blurred together. The striking differences that once distinguish the issues would be reduced to nothingness, and contradictions resolved.

I do not know if it is this "gift" of myopia that has trained me earlier on to be at once an observer and participant of the life that goes on about me. Or perhaps it is astigmatism that has taught me that while people can be physically ugly when thrown into sharp contrast, the moment I take off my judgmental glasses, they will become haloed in a wondrous light. I don't know which world I prefer more, the one that allows me to see more clearly, or the one that allows me to enjoy the fuzzy warmth of unfocused and diverged light.

Regardless, these two worlds co-exists within me. At any given moment, I can choose to transit between the two, simply by taking off and putting on my glasses. I suppose I am envious of those who has perfect 20/20 vision, but at the same time, I am glad I can see things in entirely different light. For those of you who has no trouble seeing clearly, maybe you should join me sometimes, and see the world cross eyed. It will definitely give you a new outlook on the world around you.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Do you remember that time we sat at the Grind and just talked for hours? I don’t remember exactly what it was that we talked about, it seemed like we brushed upon every subject possible. I just recall it being a great afternoon; and I miss it. The thing is, we don’t seem to talk anymore. Oh, occasionally I would get a poke from you on facebook, or a third party would mention your name in passing; but that’s about it. It’s like the moment we left that campus, our lives have taken on totally different courses, you went your way, and I went mine. The earth maybe round and we may be walking in totally opposite directions, but our paths are destined not to crisscross ever again. I honestly don’t know how I feel about that. You see, I keep imagining that there is this parallel universe where we will meet again, and pick up where we left off. There is always that lingering question which I doubt I will get the chance to ask you, or we the opportunity to explore the answer together.

So it is that I continue with my life, and you yours. I hope somewhere; somehow you are still curious as I remember you to be of the world around you. I hope that when the hurly burly of the day has left you be, that you may just think of me just as I you. I know I have changed quite a bit since that day, perhaps in that parallel universe, you will find an Andy who is actually bolder and wiser. Perhaps, in that universe, we will spend more afternoons watching sunsets in silence.