Friday, October 19, 2007

On Hardship

Some days you will feel as if the world is crashing down upon you from all sides. You will look about you and see all the muck ups there ever were, and you will take everything that didn't go well personal. You will look up to the heavens above and question whether these are the acts of a loving god? A just god? A wise god? And you will, as I have been, tempted to curse His name, shouting out and asking whether it was all neccessary? Was each round of bad luck a coup de grace?

Well, it happens... one minute you are fine, and the next you will find yourself suddenly exposed and vulnerable to every downfall in the book. You will then question the purpose of your existence.

I know I have... and the only comfort I can offer is perhaps knowing that "this too shall pass"... as cliche as it sounds, there is indeed a time for everything, and that it has nothing to do with merits. There are just moments in life when it doesn't matter whether you warrant it or not, things will not go right. You can look and be jealous of everyone else, but you see, it is not about them. It is not about how good they are getting, or how bad you are having it now... it is not personal... it is just is... and the only way you get by it is let go of your own anger. Let go, and just accept that it happens. Stop squirming, writhing, and wallowing. Cry in anguish if you must, bewail your woes... but whatever the cause do not allow the struggle to take on a life of its own, for then it will only spiral downwards even more; like quicksand. 

It is easy to say this from the outside... but the reality you and I will be going through these phases quite a few times in our lifetime... they do not have to be frequent... but they can get consuming, and the intensity of the pain which we are more attune exaggerates their effects upon us... but the reality is we may be just having it good for some time, and that it is time to tip the balance a little bit to load more new goodies. 

All I am saying is, it happens... when they do, don't exaggerate the uniqueness of it. It is a significant event, but not necessary to the extent to which you may give it... reach out, and you will be surprised to find many others who have been through something similar, or can offer insight on to alleviate the pain. Step back, and understand that it is not the end, but perhaps the beginning of something better... the pain which can be unbearable is actually something you will bore through should you stop fixating on it, and scrap at it like scab... 

Such is life... we fall, we scratch ourselves, we pick our selves up... there is no point in picking at the wounds, no point in thinking those scars will make us hideous... instead wear them with pride, for they are your own mementos to a victory won, hardship overcame...

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