Friday, October 7, 2005


The weather here in DC Metropolitan area is rather gloomy, with occasional showers mounting up to a brief storm and rain that don't fall vertically but almost horizontally. This is the kind of weather that I somehow loathe and adore. Loathe simply because it resonates within me the dark memories/ emotions that I thought I have safely stow away. Adore because at the very same time, this weather is rather freeing. In the midst of wild thunders and pounding rain, there is a sense of renewal, as if while nature ferociously cleanse the earth of impurities, so changes my soul's scenery. The rhythmical pattering of rain drops is rather soothing, and the coolness in the air offers a different kind of zest that the constant sunshine don't seem to bring. Perhaps I am strange, but I do enjoy moments in the rain, admiring how the earth and sky which were once separated are united by these broken lines of water falling down. It serves to remind us that the sky is indeed within reach. Just as the water falling upon us once originate from the earth, so are we capable of soaring high. The earth and sky is not that far away, if it can be connected by rain, how many more of our dreams that we have now are truly unattainable?

The path towards our desires may often be unclear, discrete; but if we be patient, and wade through the storms, seeking out the millions of strands of rain that fall upon us, than perhaps we may grasp the path towards the skies in which our dreams reside. And if all else fails, the sun will come out again, and we will have the rainbow to follow.

"May the rain which binds the earth and sky, draw you closer to those you love. May the tender droplets falling clear away all uncertainty. And when indeed the thunder and lightening do worry you, remember that they frighten the evil more. And if these words fail to comfort you, then be content at least in knowing that the sun shall come out, and the rainbow will clear away all doubt."

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