Saturday, November 11, 2017

Light in dark times

Darkness has always existed. Often times it feels overwhelming, threatening to encompass everything.

Yet the curious thing about light is that it doesn't take much for it to shine, and the darker it gets the brighter the light becomes. Think about it, when we are lost and the night is at its darkest, that's when we can see the stars light years away shining at their brightest.

Sure, sometimes a light may flickered and be snuffed out, but given the right tools we can always light it back up. Likewise, we must not stop because evil in its various forms has reared its ugly head. Instead we must bring out our lights so that people will see from afar that the lights still glow in the windows of this house on a shining hill.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Thoughts on thoughts and prayers

Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers. It seems like we have been sending quite a few of those lately. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Thoughts and prayers are much needed and appreciated, especially in these times of trouble and sorrow. It is good mental exercise when done right. It requires of us to take a step back, to reflect, and perhaps recalibrate where needed. Yet, when all has been said and done, we ought to have more done than said.

Look, thinking and praying aren't meant to be easy. It entails much deliberation. We pray because we acknowledge right then and there we need a bit more guidance, that we surrender ourselves to a higher power. We may not have the right words, we may not know what to do, but we ask humbly that we may know of them.

A thought and prayer loses meaning when at the end of it you have not been able to identify at least one thing you could put into action. A prayer is not meant to relieve you of your burden or responsibility. When you say amen, you are not saying goodbye, end of discussion, it is out of my hands and therefore my conscience.  Instead, you are indicating agreement to an action plan of sorts, "so be it and lets make it so."

In light of all that has occur, beyond sending thoughts and prayers, we ought to examine how to actualize said thoughts and prayers. What is the course of action from having taken a step back and welcoming G-d's input. Too often we pray hard for an answer from G-d when the answer has always and simply been, "You, with my help."

So, beyond sending your thoughts and prayers, beyond asking what would Jesus do, ask, "what will you have me to do?"
