Wednesday, November 9, 2016


So we discovered America is not as great as we thought, and one side was proved correct. That's ok because the way I see it the truly great things about the US hasn't changed. The people whom I hold most dear, Americans who have welcomed me into their homes and hearts, Americans who have shown me the diversity of experience and depth of their compassion, they are still here. YOU are all still here.
Yes, Canada is a pretty cool place, I love it, I miss it. But I have been here in the US for about 50% of my life now and I don't quite plan on leaving just yet. Neither should any of you. Why? Because there remains greatness here, and more importantly greater potentials to explore.
So we have discovered it is not all great, but that is good because now we can really get together and make it great. We can continue to strive and make it great for all peoples, people of colour, LGBTQs, minorities, the poor, and the marginalized.
And for those who don't initially believe the US is great, let us make it a mission to continually prove them wrong; we will prove them wrong.
Look, you all have been through a lot, and through it all I have faith that US will remain a beacon. Sure, right about now it may feel like a warning beacon. But I think at its very core America's ability to overcome any obstacles, its optimism, its willingness to believe in the goodness of others, its readiness to fight for the underdogs, and its determination to remain an inspiring nation for others to pursue greatness shall prevail.
Ultimately we are heading towards making America great again. Let that be the common theme. Your sons and daughters will live by your example, be the role model that will ennoble them to take down walls and shatter glass ceilings. All the meanwhile remembering to love one and other, to look out for our fellow human beings, and to safeguard this sacred planet that we share with all else.
Look not towards the flickering shadows with apprehension, but take stock in the flame that cast those shadows in the first pace. For a light is made to shine in darkness, so will American remain glowing and growing from sea to shining sea.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Embrace our brokenness

Here's the thing, if you lived long enough, chances are you will be a bit broken on the inside. Life's pudgy fingers will inevitably find its way and leave its prints on you, tarnishing the once pure slate. Heck, it may even dropped you a few times and cause you a chip here or there. Yet, I don't see that necessary as a bad disfigurement. If anything, those scars, those chips, they define you, give you character.
I have never seen the point of owning those collectible action figures if I can't take them out of the wrapper and play with them. Similarly, a pristine set of china, while pretty to the eye is meaningless if not used, it is just boring decor. Rather, I am fascinated by the discolored set, the chipped set, because at least I know it has been tested, it has endured, it is loved and and it is used. Chances are there is a few good tales to regale regarding each of those cracks, chips and dents.
Think of your favorite childhood doll; is it clean, untouched? Or is it all worn out, threadbare, and frayed. If it is latter, chances are that doll meant something, and you cherished it, played with it. Likewise, our inequities, our scars, our brokenness does not lessen us, if anything it enriches us. So I say to you, embrace each other warts and all. Be not sad or ashamed that we are no longer whole, but embrace the fact that we are jigsaw puzzles intriguing to be pieced together. That's what makes us worth knowing.