Saturday, April 4, 2015

What is the story?

Primacy effect describes the phenomenon where someone recalls an item presented earlier in a list better than items presented later on. Given this, I think we should do away the religion part of any terrorist act and just report on the fact that it is the act of Extremist. Islamic, Christian, the religion doesn't matter. What a small group of fanatics, fundamentalists, extremists choose to do does not and should not represent the whole of a religion. What is of note is there are people out there who are extreme and choose to interpret things in an autocratic manner. People with little to no imagination, no sense of humor. The story is not about which storybook someone is reading from, the story is about how they got the story wrong.

It does't matter which god they choose to believe because in the end, it is a god they created and therefore not representative of a supreme being that is undefinable, ineffable, and incomprehensible by its very nature. A G-d that believes in us ask for the best of us regardless of which religion, which method of prayer or service we choose to worship and emulate goodness.

Whatever path you choose, as long as you and I agree to share our stories, to enrich our tapestry through promoting humanity, then may we be blessed. There will be a bad fruit in every tree, but we don't chop down a tree so that we may be without shade or to disrupt the ecosystem.