Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Status messages

Status messages I have written:

Audiology is like sex. What more need I say? We audiology students like it up (5) and down (10), while supine, with vision denied. We stimulate aurally with intensity and frequency. We manage your stiff lesions, and we make deep impressions. We do it deep, we do it slow, and we make sure we plug/fill up the hole.

he moment you stop making a difference, the moment you become stagnant, that is when life becomes monotonous, and you began to slowly waste away. So I say to you, get wasted for the night and stop wasting life starting tomorrow.

A recent study has indicated that obesity is possibly a hereditary disease, that it runs in the family. I would like to further point out that it is very likely that no one runs in that family, hence the obesity.

As I gazed deeply into her ears, I saw light, and I am reminded of just how open-minded a person she is. She was very compliant, with good reflexes. No aural fullness to boast of. She spoke audibly and clearly; not annoying like tinnitus. She responded well to the sound of my voice; there and then I knew I have found the one. She trusts me, she listens intently. What more can I ask? I shall make her world spin.

There are moments in my life in which I wished that I was truly and profoundly stupid. The kind of stupidity that accords me the comfort of not knowing and not caring what the world thinks of me. To be oblivious, to laugh hysterically, to dance jubilantly, to just be. More importantly, I wish people would be stupid with me.

Coming down with a cold, I think it is time I give up. That's right, I have left.

I hate it when people use lyrics on their status messages, it makes me wanna shout. Sick my heels up and shout. Throw my hands up and shout. Throw my head back and shout.

Thanks to facebook, I find myself constantly talking to a wall.

 I wish I was the facial canal because I really need a hiatus.

I recall there was a 9 month period in my life when I seriously thought I was a boy trapped in a woman's body... and then I was born.

CN VII, Risorious, Zygomaticus major, Zygomaticus minor and Orbicularis oculi. These are the things that make me smile.

 I was up all night wondering why I have insomnia when it dawn on me.

Life is a ballet instructor keeping us on our toes

Without tears, there won't be rainbows between people

Dear driver,
Welcome to your vehicle. Please take note that it is not a phone booth, a changing room, or a beauty salon. Furthermore, you are not Clark Kent; and for that matter, neither are we, your fellow travelers on the road. As such, get off your phone, stick with your lousy jeans and morning-after look, and just drive.

The moment you stopped laughing and start taking yourself too seriously, targeting the "minorities" in your own backyard, following your emotions as opposed to your reasoning and claim your god is the only god - the terrorists win.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Let us remember

When You Go Home,
Tell Them Of Us And Say,
For Your Tomorrow,
We Gave Our Today