Thursday, August 24, 2006

On Broadway

Who came up with the idea of musicals? What compel them to have this notion that at every corner, whether things are going swell or not, you can simply break out a song and people around you would join in? How did they envision that everyone would be singing the same tune and dancing to the same tempo? What world were they from? I would love to talk them, even if it is in a dream, because I have tried to do these things in my life - and it doesn’t work. Try whistling a tune, and people would stare daggers at you. Try humming a song while strolling with a bounce in your steps, and pedestrians will cross the streets to avoid you. Sing close to a child, and it is most likely the parents will fend you away with a stick object of sorts. Indeed, the only other person who came close is called Michael Jackson, and you all know how well liked he is. Where did they find all those balconies, and the front porch swings where guys can swoon the dolls with serenades of adoration and devotion?

Expressing versus Exposing: What color is your underpants today?

I feel there is an increasing pressure on women to expose their beauty as opposed to expressing it. Exposing is easily done, just be dress in something scandalous, revealing much skin. Expressing, not so much. Expressing is subtle, yet efficient. It lies in the slightest gestures, and the postures. It is hidden in the positioning of the wrist, the arching of the neck. It is about glancing quickly in the right direction at the moment, and smiling so ever briefly. Its ephemeral, its ethereal, but its effect is long lasting. Clad like a beekeeper, a woman can still appear exotic. Her beauty amplified by her expressions.

Is it because guys are becoming less capable of appreciating the subtle suggestions of beauty that women feel the need to expose more? Is the male species losing his ability to let his imagination run wild prompted by the merest hint of beauty? Ah, if only women understand the full extent of the power they wield upon the male species. If only we can all learn how to let our beauty seep through without exposing so much, then perhaps we can return to the realm of exotic beauty... beauty that is born from the expression of one's virtue, wit and soul. Otherwise, we may as well return to the era of clothing optional days.

Afterthought: On the other hand, I guess it is also a good thing that women feel comfortable in exposing so much. It can be viewed as a sign that they are comfortable with how they look, or that they trust men.