Sunday, December 21, 2003

Christmas message from many years ago

Once, there were three men stranded on an island. One day, one of them found a bottle lying on the beach, he brought it back to the others and opened it before them. A genie sprang out of the bottle and said he will grant each of them a wish. The first man wished he was back at home with his family, and poof, he was gone,sent back to his family. The second man wished he was in Hawaii, pop, and next thing he knew, he was in hawaii. The third man looked around him with dismay, and broke into tears. The genie asked him what was wrong, and the man said "Well, it is going to be so lonely without them here, I wish they would come back"... 

Dear friends, 
Hello! By now, I suppose most of you are easing back to life at home, away from the squirels which leaps out of garbage cans, all-nighters at a computer lab, and early classes to attend. While you are all away, I had the opportunity to sing and dance around campus like Gene Kelly, and I got to tell you its fun... but you know, something isn't right (aside from the fact that I should be institutionalized for what I did...) This place just isn't the same without you guys. I love the nostalgia of the atmosphere, but I realize that what I loved most about this place (besides the constant workload, come on, you have got to admit you miss the is being able to see each and everyone of you regularly. I enjoy the fact that everytime I step out ofthe confinements of my room, the dungeons of millington, and my stupid workload, I get to smile and be smiled back by at least one of you. You may not know it, but seeing you all makes my day because it makes me realize that I am not alone (these voices, they keep talking inside my head, telling me to do crazy things like study and stuff)  Now that you are gone, and the campus is empty, save for the few squirrels and deers, and occaisonally professors with their shotguns, it just isn't the same anymore... The snow have fallen here, and the place looks simply delightful. 

What I am trying to say is, I miss you all, and I want to thank you for making this place so special in my heart. I want to wish each and everyone of you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Take care, and get arrested *cough* I mean* well rested. Hope to see some of you soon in early Janurary... 

Thank you for bearing with me this long, I know its a long message, and a cheesy one at that...